Huiles bio
Offres de vente
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With a product present in the market since 10 years ago, you can now find our organic extra virgin olive oil in best delicatessen and organic stores and in supermarkets all over the world, as in US, Japan, Taiwan, Korea, China, Russia and most European countries.
Some of our customers, keen of our olive oil, started to demand us to select other nice Spanish organic products to complement our olive oil. This is why we are carefully selecting delicious products, as vinegars, table olives, olives tapenade, preserved vegetables and jams and marmalades.

Our top priority is healthy, high-quality, and tasty edible oil. It means ecologically clean products without any solvents and other foreign substances. That is why all our plants are modernized and use the proven technologies only, ensuring us to become the top refined sunflower oil manufacturer.
Being the best edible oil factory in Germany, we strive to combine quality and reasonable prices for our partners.

In year 2003, the company has extended its activities with the factory in Ayd?n Umurlu. From that time on, the production of so called Mediternean tastes is continuing at the factory either conventional or organic.
The company is a supplier of many known brands in Turkey and Aboard. In addition with its own brand “ Ecoliva” the company distributes its own products to market chains in Turkey like Tesco/Kipas and Carrefours.
Nos ubicamos en Ecuador.
Tous nos produits sont certifiés ECOCERT et ONSSA, 100% BIO, de très bonne qualité et sans additifs chimiques.

high polyphenol chetoui olive oil, black cumin seeds oil, jojoba oil, lentisk oil.
Couleur jaune doré à verte
Odeur caractéristique d'olive
Toucher gras.
Si vous souhaitez améliorer sa pénétration dans la
peau, mélangez-la avec une huile plus pénétrante
( Kukui, Macadamia, Noisette,... )