Offres de vente
Coordonnées de la société
Vesselino LTD. | |
Civilité | Monsieur |
Nom | Kiril |
Prénom | Kirilov |
Fonction | Sales Assistant |
Adresse | 1 Starozagorska str., floor 3, of. 23 & 24 |
Adresse (2) | |
Ville | Kazanlak |
Code postal | 6100 |
Pays | Bulgarie |
Téléphone | +35943162399 |
Fax | +35943181231 |
Détails de l'offre
Plantes aromatiques | |
Description | Our company is in position to supply dried herb and flowers of the product. Chamomile is used typically in skin and mucous membrane inflammations and skin diseases. It can be inhaled for respiratory tract inflammations or irritations; used in baths as irrigation for anogenital inflammation; and used internally for GI spasms and inflammatory diseases. We are in position to offer the products whole or cut on sizes suitable for producing botanical extract or to be added in teas. |
Categorie | Plantes aromatiques medicinales |
Marque | |
Validité | |
Anonyme | 0 |
Emballage | |
Incoterms | CFR-COST AND FREIGHT (...named port of destination) |
Origine | Bulgarie |
Certification | Other |
Date de certification | |
Conditionnement | |
Date limite de consommation | 0000-00-00 |
Date limite de vente | 0000-00-00 |