Produits cosmétiques

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Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : We are a french based organic perfumery offering four new luxury organic perfumes

Musc d\'hibiscus - 4000 organic seeds from the Hibiscus plant - 350 carefully picked Jasmine flowers - Sustainable organic australian Sandalwood - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Rose Damask flower water - plus lots of organic essential oils

Ambre essentiel - Organic Vanilla extract - 300 carefully picked roses - Sustainable organic australian Sandalwood - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Rose Damask flower water - plus lots of organic essential oils

Iris véritable - Iris rhizomes (dried for 3 years) - 120 Rose buds - 400 carefully picked Jasmine flowers - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Orange blossom flower water - plus lots of organic essential oils

Jasmine céleste - 600 carefully picked jasmine flowers - 300 rose buds - 120 orange blossom flowers - Organic corn alcohol - Organic Orange blossom water - plus lots of organic essential oils

Here at sharini we care for the environment with passion. We use only the finest ingredients sourced direct from fairtrade and ecological producers to offer you luxury that doesn\'t cost the earth.
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : certified natural and organic cosmetics
Produits cosmétiques
Description : Here at sharini we care for the environment with passion. We use only the finest ingredients sourced direct from fairtrade and ecological producers to offer you luxury that doesn't cost the earth.

Organic luxury perfumes -

Ambre essentiel

Musc d'hibiscus

Iris véritable

Jasmine céleste
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Both the LELAKI 3M & 3M Plus Cream series is developed with 100% natural and herbal ingredients. No animal, No chemical, No steroid and No alcohol substances are used in the formulation of the LELAKI 3M & 3M Plus Cream series.

Increase Hygiene
Eliminate Odor
Fungal and Itch Free
Indirectly Improves Blood Circulation
Indirectly Increase Erections
Indirectly Ensures Healthy Prostate Care

Removes 'TopHead' Sensitivity
Extends Performance and 'Playtime'
Eliminates Premature Ejaculation

Both the LELAKI 3M & 3M Plus Cream series are approved by the Health Ministry of Malaysia under the cosmetic control and license bureau.

Highly concentrated extracts, essential oils and water base solutions are used in the manufacturing of the LELAKI 3M & 3M Plus Cream series. GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice), Halal Certification and Islamic Manufacturing Practice (IMP) standards are used in the development and production of these unique creams

Pricing : Per Item - USD30.00
Per Set - USD60.00 inclusive delivery
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Our job is to provide you with quality skin care products which are safe and naturally produced. With over 48 years of industry knowledge our team of bio-chemists, pharmacists, biologists, and herbalists have been able to develop high quality natural aromatherapy skin care products which are both safe to use and effective at providing you with radiant healthy skin. Through our on line ordering we deliver our skin care products to customers all around the world.

Y-Not skin care products have become so trusted by international consumers as being the skin care range of choice, that many individuals are convinced that Y-Not is a local brand delivering skin care for local conditions! This is something that Y-Not regards as a great compliment. Y-Not means one thing – Gentle, Safe and Natural Skin Care.

With our dermatological expertise we have the ability to offer high quality skin care products at an affordable price to take care of you and your family. Our aim is to improve the health and well being of people all around the world through sin care products that are so natural you would think that they were made by Mother Nature herself.

Y-Not was founded in 2003 to meet the needs of consumers who wanted skin care products which they could truly trust so that they know exactly what they are putting on their skin. Many companies claim to tell you what they put into their products with consumers only to find that there are hidden ingredients which pollute and denigrate the skin. Y-Not prides itself on becoming a market leader in skin care because of their honest and reliable approach to giving you exactly what you want – Natural Beauty.

Y-Not continually strives to exercise integrity beyond reproach and to provide quality skin care products through multi-disciplinary research which will meet all of the skin care requirements of you and your family. Our quality Australian laboratory embraces the Quality Assurance principles as detailed in ISO9001:2000 so that you can be guaranteed of safe and effective skin care.

To find out more visit:
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : ESutras is an active member of OTA, ANA, NCAP and many NGO communities worldwide.

ESutras guarantees quality natural, earth friendly beauty, health and wellness products. Our philosophy is to create a market for products that are ethical, fair-traded, organic and equally affordable.

We import organic and certified organic ingredient supplies from 14 countries and manufacture our product line in the USA. Our US manufacturing center is currently in the process of getting organic certification, (by June 2006).

Available in retail, wholesale and bulk. Online drop shipping possible for distributors interested to sell in any country. You place orders online and we ship!

Private labeling and custom manufactured wellness products available.
Produits cosmétiques
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Manufacturer of the Organic Certified Virgin Coconut Oil, RBD Coconut Oil, and Crude Coconut Oil.
Produits cosmétiques
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : Selling USDA certified organic steviolglycosides (enzymated stevia extract), free of bitterness, very high quality, certified by BCS Öko-Garantie.
We are a pioneer and market leader for Stevia products in Europe. It can already be applied to cosmetics, e.g. dental care products, in Europe.
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Dead Sea salt and mud perfectly take cake about your skin and your body. Remember that Dead Sea salt and mud are not only beauty, you enjoy their healing effects!

Dead Sea salt It is perfect for bathing. These salts contain 29 minerals that help to treat and relax the skin. Bath salts promote relaxation and calm down the nervous system, relieve muscle and joint pains. The bath salts are especially effective for those who suffer from various skin diseases

We offer natural Dead Sea salt or with fragrances in a standing bag of 500g. Fragrances are: raspberry, melon or lavender.

Dead Sea mud Dead Sea mud is a unique cosmetic product from the depth of the lowest spot on earth with the highest concentration of natural health-enhancing minerals. The special natural ingredients enhance bathing with healthy, mineralizing, revitalizing, energizing, detoxifying and stimulating properties for the body and soul. These minerals and trace elements are necessity for preventive measures and treatment of damaged skin, cell metabolism and the immune system. For treatment of aching joints; need to heat the package in hot water or microwave. If you choose mud with Aloe Vera, its extracts will calm and refresh the skin. Aloe Vera is recommended for gentle skin.

We offer Natural Dead Sea mud and Dead Sea mud with Aloe Vera in 600ml standing bag.
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Spa-item like present soup and another products for the spa organisation.
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : hand wash
Produits cosmétiques
autres Produits cosmétiques
Description : organic shave cream
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Full range of certified organic bodycare range
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Fort d\'une expérience de plus de 10 ans de la vente en pharmacie, dont 7 ans en qualité de directeur régional, je recherche une gamme de produits cosmétiques Bio, afin de la commercialiser auprés de ces professionnels.
Produits cosmétiques
Soins du corps
Description : Natural Origins and Organic ingredient such as Pomegranate fruit oil, rooibois, aloe ferox and cape fynbos. Cleanser, Toner, Eye Gel, Day Cream, Night Cream and Body Lotion.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
