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EC Reg 834/2007,JAS,NOP,Global GAP etc...

Nous pouvons proposer un produits finis GOTS mais aussi de la fibre, du fils ou des tissus certifiés GOTS, TS, polos,sweat, eponge, draps...
Rejoignez des grands noms du textile dans notre projet et apporter votre business au developement durable.
Eric Ducoin
Chef de projet
contactez nous!

Thanks to two well-established processes, we are able to meet many requests from the food-processing industry.
Cryogenic granulation
This is a well-known industrial process which offers many advantages to the food-processing industry.
This is a well-known industrial process which offers many advantages to the food-processing industry.
-production of relatively homogeneous powders without destroying original compounds
-no oxidation (crushing in a neutral atmosphere)
For more information please refer to: www.winicker-lieber.de
- rédaction à facçon des Fiches de Données de Sécurité et étiquetages réglementaires
- (pré)enregistrement REACH
- représentation dans les forums
This family-run Company, which has more than 20 years' experience in the food processing industry, offers the following services :
project study, product development, manufacturing, packaging and logistics.
Dynamism, continuous innovation and strong know-how are its major assets.
SVM has launched over 500 products for various food sectors:
diet food, health food, food for sports people, pharmaceutical products, products for food processing industry.