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Chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides thrown into the soil not only harm harmful insects, but also harm and kill birds, other harmless insects and beneficial microorganisms in the environment. With the components in organic fertilizers, it gives resistance to the soil and the plant. It increases the yield of products.
Urtimax® stimule la croissance, combat la chlorose et les carences minérales, et améliore la résistance aux parasites. Urtimax® est un purin d’ortie de qualité, semblable à ceux confectionnés par les jardiniers depuis la nuit des temps. Obtenu par simple fermentation d’orties dans de l’eau, Urtimax® offre à vos plantes une protection et une nutrition exceptionnelles.
L’ortie est exceptionnellement riche en silice et en fer et contient un taux élevé d’azote, de potassium, de magnésium, de micro-éléments, d’enzymes et d’oligo-éléments. Comme le « kelp », le purin d’ortie est un éliciteur naturel : il stimule les défenses immunitaires des plantes et améliore leur résistance aux insectes et aux maladies.
Our organic fertilizer to improve the health, correctness, balance of the soil, and as a consequence is to promote the growth of healthy plants, to increase productivity, to create a sustainable eco-system.
We use only natural materials for production of our fertilizer. Vegetables and fruits, etc grown on soil fertilized with our organic fertilizer. So our Organic fertilizer is an environmentally friendly, as well as comply with the "Green Economy.
Organic fertilizer can improve soil health by reducing the rate of nutrient leaching. Our organic fertilizers could be applied to all plants.
Our products certified by Ecocert SA France the international body for organic farming, certifications for European EC and American NOP (USDA organic).

Plants require three major nutrients - Nitrogen, Phosphorus & Potassium for its growth and development. Fertigenic NPK is combination of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium chelated with Amino acids. Nitrogen is the major component of amino acids, the critical element constituent of proteins and is necessary component in cell structure, plays very important role in cell division and reproduction. Phosphorus is vital for adequate root development and helps the plant resist drought. It enhances flowering and increases fruit and seed production. Potassium improves quality of seeds and fruit. It also helps to improve crop resistance to lodging, disease and drought. Fertigenic NPK also contains other nutrients in required amount for better yield and quality.

Kimia Sabz Atrak Co
Mobile & Whats App:+989155338038