Trouver un vendeur de Plantes aromatiques medicinales bio
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Sweet fennelFoeniculi dulcis fructus fruit
Wormwood Absinthii herba herb
Hyssop Hyssopi herba herb
Chamomile Matricariae flos flower
Thyme Thymi vulgaris herba herb
Small-flowered willow-herb Epilobii herba herb
Common yarrow Millefolii herba herb
St. John's wort Hyperici herba herb
Common vervain Verbenae officinalis herba herb
Garden savory Saturejae herba herb
Milk thistle Silybi fructus fruit
Horehound Marrubii herba herb
Sweet clover Meliloti officinalis herba herb
Safflor Carthami flos flower
Motherwort Leonuri cardiacae herba herb
Arnebia is a genius of Asian and northern African herbs (family Boraginaceae) having alternate leaves and yellow or violet flowers that change color in age
Country of origin: Kyrgyz Republic, Central Asia.
2,500-3,000 meters above sea level.
Medicinal uses
The root is antipyretic, cancer, contraceptive, emollient and vulnerary. It is used in the treatment of measles, mild constipation, burns, frostbite, eczema, dermatitis etc. Experimentally it has shown contraceptive action on rats, inhibiting oestrus, the fertility rate and the release of pituitary gonadotrophin hormone and chorion gonadotrophin hormone. It inhibits the growth of cancer cells on the chorion membrane. The root contains shikonin, an antitumour and bactericidal compound. It inhibits the growth of E. coli, Bacillus typhi, B. dysenteriae, Pseudomonas and Staphylococcus aureus. Shikonin also promotes the healing of wounds on topical application.
For more information, please contact:
WhatsApp: +996 709 585777
Wechat: myrzakulovalmaz

BIO certifiées par Ecocert.
Producteur et grossiste, nous proposons plus de 200 huiles essentielles différentes ainsi que plusieurs huiles végétales et hydrolats certifiés.
Nous avons des productions sous contrat à travers le monde : Madagascar, Paraguay, France, Egypte, Maroc, Afrique du sud…
[Lavandes, thyms, ylangs, hélichryses, sapins, citrus, eucalyptus, géraniums, ravinsara, santal…]
Nos huiles sont 100% pure, Obtenues dans les meilleurs conditions de l'étape de l'échantillonnage jusqu'à l'extraction et le stockage.

We would be pleasure to inform you that Ebrahimi Trading company is an exporter of Medicinal plants, Herbal products, Essential oils, Cosmetic raw materials and agricultural products of Iran.
Flax Seed
Brown & Golden seed
Main Specifications of both types: Finds in west of Iran - Fortified by Omega 3 & Vitamin B1 - helps to find fitness - reducer of belly fats - Anti-cancer - prevents of heart diseases.
We would be pleasure to inform you that Ebrahimi Trading company is an exporter of Medicinal plants, Herbal products, Essential oils, Cosmetic raw materials and agricultural products of Iran.
Galbanum, Damask Rose, Asafoetida, thyme
Essential Oil
An aromatic ingredient and stabilizer of best perfume companies.
We offer two types of olive oil produced according to the traditional method to keep all the benefits of the fruit:
Chetoui olive oil: Chetoui olives give a fruity oil with intense aromas of green almond accompanied by a bitter and pungent taste with a medium to strong intensity.
Picholine olive oil: The picholine gives an olive oil, very fruity and green, with bitterness and light spiciness.