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Coconut Oil, Cocoa Butter, Bush Mango Butter. For generations, these
products have been used and cherished for skin and hair care. As an
organic cosmetic company yourself, we do not need to restate their
values here.
Our products are unrefined, cold pressed grade A products,100% natural
that meet international standards of quality. Our production process
follow certification requirements from the Rainforest Alliance to
guarantee that our final products meet international standards. These
products are also analysed at the CENTRE PASTEUR in Yaoundé Cameroon
(Centre Pasteur is an internationally recognised laboratory)
Cette opération nécessite une grande connaissance de chaque produit afin d’obtenir les parfums et les saveurs de haute qualité.

All our Argan oil manufacturers has been certified organic IMC and USDA and meet this end, international standards of quality extra virgin argan oil manufacturers 100%
Beurre de Cacao Biologique
Beurre de Mangue Biologique
Bourbon vanilla beans from Madagascar are considered to be the best in the world.
Vanilla beans are further divided in three grades.
Grade A(gourmet), B(gourmet) and C(extraction)
Supply ability: 1.5 MT/month
Origin: Madagascar