Trouver un vendeur de Fruits legumes bio
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butternut squash, red hokkaido,
sweet potatoes
Contact malcolm@cornelio.es
- All kind of European fruts, vegetables and mushrooms - both wild and cultivated.
We offer the following processing :
- Fresh - quality sorted and packed / industrial packings,
- Frozen / IQF - deep frozen and / or cooled / industrial packings,
- Sliced + diced - industrial packings,
- Dried - industrial packings ,
- Blanched - indistrial packings,
- Brined - industrial packings.
Note : For the moment we do not manufacture and offer retail / supermarket packings. However we do offer open market packings / crates for example.
Partial deliveries accepted – Min. order quantity : 1 x Full Truck Load or 1 x 20 FT FLC
Exempt of the mushrooms – Min. order quantity : 1.5 – 2.5 t truck load for fresh product
Min. order quantity : 300 Kgs by air delivery
Frozen vegetable and fruit in cluding :frozen red pepper,cauliflower,asparagus,brocolli,strawberry,green beans,carrot,also dehydrate garlic,ginger,onion and so on.
Peanut prodcuts including :peanut in shell, peanut kernel,blanched peanut,roasted peanut.
Malcolm Coxall,
Cortijo Cornelio,
29170 Provincia Mlaga
Tel /FAX +34 951163107
Les produits concernés sont:
- Mangues séchées Bio (Amélie, Brooks, Kent, Keit)
- Papaye séchées Bio (Variété Solo)
- Ananas séchés Bio (Cayenne Lisse).
Capacité de production: 12 600 Kg/an/Produit
2)Burtons mushrooms
3)Ganoderma (Raishi) Mushrooms
1-Poudre, Séché entier, séché sucrée ou bien lyophilisé Séché Entier