Fruits legumes

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Fruits legumes
Fruits ou légumes sous vide
Description : We are manufacures of frozen vegetables like peas, sweet corn etc.

We will also start manufacturing fruit juices and other concentrates in the near future.

certification by BIS (RVA Nethrland) and having ISO and HSCCP certificates.
Fruits legumes
Fruits ou légumes déshydratés
Description : El aguaje ( Mauritia flexuosa)

es rico en energía, minerales, proteína y vitaminas (contenido en 100g: calorías 526, proteína 11.0%, grasa 38.6%, carbohidratos 46.0%, fibra 41.9%, ceniza 4.4%, calcio 415.4 mg, fósforo 69.9 mg, tiamina 0.11 mg, niacina 2.57 mg y riboflavina 0.85 mg
UTILIDAD: La pulpa de aguaje deshidratado, es utilizado como: base para hacer bebidas (aguajina) y helados; como ingrediente energetizante delicioso en repostería y néctares; como suplemento vitamínico para prevenir la deficiencia de vitamina A en los niños con edades entre tres y medio y doce años. Un tratamiento de 20 días es suficiente para eliminar los síntomas de hipovitaminosis A.; en la preparación del mucílago de aguaje, para ser usado como espesante en la industria de alimentos y para la fabricación de jaleas
Fruits legumes
Fruits et légumes exotiques
Description : El aguaje ( Mauritia flexuosa)

es rico en energía, minerales, proteína y vitaminas (contenido en 100g: calorías 526, proteína 11.0%, grasa 38.6%, carbohidratos 46.0%, fibra 41.9%, ceniza 4.4%, calcio 415.4 mg, fósforo 69.9 mg, tiamina 0.11 mg, niacina 2.57 mg y riboflavina 0.85 mg
UTILIDAD: La pulpa de aguaje deshidratado, es utilizado como: base para hacer bebidas (aguajina) y helados; como ingrediente energetizante delicioso en repostería y néctares; como suplemento vitamínico para prevenir la deficiencia de vitamina A en los niños con edades entre tres y medio y doce años. Un tratamiento de 20 días es suficiente para eliminar los síntomas de hipovitaminosis A.; en la preparación del mucílago de aguaje, para ser usado como espesante en la industria de alimentos y para la fabricación de jaleas
Fruits legumes
Autres fruits legumes
Description : ORGANIC:Forest Fruits, wild mushrooms, herbs,(fresh, frozen IQF, dried,pulp)
1.Forest fruit:Blueberry, Blackberry, Rospberry, Mulberry, Wild apple, Rose hips
2.Mushrooms:Morchella conica,Cantharellus cibarius,Boletus edulis,Marasmius oreades,Cratarellus cornucopiodies,Hudnum repandum,Lactarius deliciosus, Suillus luteus,Suillus granulatus,Amanita caesarea , Calocybe gambosa
3.Herbs:Matricaria chamomilla L.,Timus silvester
Hupericum perforatum,Origani vulgaris
4. Pasteurizated produkts:Kompots, marmalades, james, sirups of forest fruit.
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : IFOAM, 2005

toronja orgànica, en red de 16 toronjas,
Fruits legumes
Légumes frais
Description : We produce a wide range of certified organic vegetables in Canada with USDA NOP recognition. Major crops include beet, winter squash, cucumber, lettuce, celery and cabbage.
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : Figs, persimmon, blueberry, rosehips
usda nop
Fruits legumes
Consejo Regulador Agroalimentario Ecológica De Extremadura
Fruits secs
Description : Our company was established in June, 1990 as the result of the common interest of a group of highly qualified growers with a large experience acquired along a professional life in constant adaptation to the needs of the market.

We carry out the whole process of production, shelling, packing and trading of all almond varieties (comuna, largheta, marcona…) both in the skin and peeled. We have the necessary facilities and machinery for this purpose on a plant of more than 26,000 square metres.

Our technical staff is in charge of the evaluation, control and pursuit of our partners\' plantations. PASAT is currently made up of 480 partners, owners of 1,800 hectares of almond trees.

Our industry is approved for ecologic production and trading of almond products and has more than 350 hectares of organically-grown almond trees.
Fruits legumes
Fruits ou légumes déshydratés
Description : organic pineapple juice concentrate 60 brix
organic passion fruit juice concentrate 50 brix
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : organic dates
Fruits legumes
Légumes frais
Description : Fresh Vegetables,
Fruits legumes
Légumes frais
Description : We have been cultivating the vegatables plant in our own farm for past ten yeras. We are using our own make organic manure.
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : Pitted prunes.
Fruits legumes
Fruits frais
Description : Goldenberry, Uchuva
Fruits legumes
Description : Our company C.p.C., a business firm that works only in organic fruits and vegetables trade, both for the fresh and for the industrial market, and assembles more productive realities from North to South of Italy. Our organization, constitued by organic growers, is born to satisfy their production and commercial needs, and to get optimum conditions for the meeting between demand and supply and also, to plan the commercial management of products. So we can offer to the customers a wide and constant range of products alla over the year. Looking forward to receiving your feedback and to working with your esteemed business forwards a partnership in success.
If you are interested in our products, you can write to and we answer you as soon as possible! Please can you tell me something about your company do, where you want we send you our product and which quantity.
We remain at your complete disposal for additional info or help you may need and look forward to hearing from you very soon.
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