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L'annuaire Greentrade
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Our products are available in Bulk, Catering and Retail Packing.
Our products are available in Bulk, Catering and Retail Packing.
It is a goat or sheep cheese. It is a white mould soft cheese made
with organic pasteurised milk.
Its characteristic flavour recalling liquorice is given by a small
percentage of seed of Greek hay (a plant already know by the ancient
Egyptian for the beneficial properties) added during the curd.
Genna is a cheese that should be consumed when it is young.
It is a white mould soft, creamy and compact cheese. The shape has a
thin, smooth and regular straw-coloured rind. The flavour is delicate,
tender, aromatised and spicy.
Our line doesn\'t use synthetic fragrance, color, petro-chemicals and parabens.
La grande qualité et la concentration élevée en principes actifs (98%)végétaux naturels et biologiques explique la remarquable efficacité de cette gamme qui comprends:
1) Une crème hydratante traitante
2) Une crème de jour
3) Une crème de nuit
4) Une huile capillaire traitante
5) Une crème coiffante style\'effet mouillé\'
1 Kg x 12 per case ,24 x 500gm per case $72 per case.
Pure Canadian, grade #1 liquid sunflower honey,12 x 500gm pre case $45
Prices are in US dollars