Descripción : Raw cane sugar The raw material for our raw cane sugar is organically grown in the heart of Brazil. Apart from the ecological and economics are the social aspects from the planting to the processing. Raw cane sugar is a variation on the brown sugar, to produce the sugar the chopped sugar canes are pressed through rollers the cane juice that‘s been won is then cleaned, cleared and thickend. The crystallization process is then started by adding small sugar crystals. The then crystalised sugar is separated from the syrup this way a fine, mild crumbeling sugar is made. For the last two years now Davert Mühle has offered it’s customers a mild sweet very good crumbling Raw cane sugar in sacks. Bakers like it because it has that mild sweetness that does‘nt over tone other ingredients esspecially important for fine cakes and pastrys. We have also decided to pack the sugar for our customers in 500g and 1 kg bags.