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Full organic Certificate (NOP, EU, JAS) Lavandula Vera
Full organic Certificate (NOP, EU, JAS) Cedron (Lemon Verbena)
Full organic Certificate (NOP, EU, JAS) Yerba mate. Corte TBC. (Illex Paraguayensis)
Full organic Certificate (NOP, EU, JAS) Yerba mate (Illex Paraguayensis). Corte en 2-3 mms. "La mejor"
Also we market (conventional):
A) Conventional Stevia dry leaf.
B) Highly purified Stevia extract, starting from (in terms of quality) Steviol glycosides 95% purity without any special reference to Rebaudioside A up to purified Rebaudioside A 98% including all the intermediates (Reb-A 40% 60% 80%). It is worth mentioning that all products are according to European standards.
We have a great knowledge to make oils from, Oleaster , black cumin seeds, fenugreek, high polyphenol olive, lentisc… and essential oil from myrtle, Pistacia lentiscus, Artemisia herba- alba, Geranium, Juniperus…
We have a great knowledge to make oils from, Oleaster , black cumin seeds, fenugreek, high polyphenol olive, lentisc… and essential oil from myrtle, Pistacia lentiscus, Artemisia herba- alba, Geranium, Juniperus…
We have a great knowledge to make oils from, Oleaster , black cumin seeds, fenugreek, high polyphenol olive, lentisc… and essential oil from myrtle, Pistacia lentiscus, Artemisia herba- alba, Geranium, Juniperus…

Lendi Erboristi S.A. also represents exclusively Finca Doña Rosalba in Guatemala which is the biggest organic certified cardamom farm in Central America. The centralized on-farm processing allows first class qualities, such as bold green and decorticated seed amongst other classifications.
De decocciones para tratar diversos males como, enfermedades reumáticas, tumores,
Ulceras, males respiratorios, digestivas, enfermedades infecciosas.
Últimamente La corteza y hojas de esta planta se comercializan con mayor intensidad a nivel internacional, por sus características de fortalecer el sistema inmunológico.